Most have us have experienced Idaho by car or plane, but have you ever seen it traveling in a dogsled? With winter coming up, now is your chance!

If you don't mind a bit of a road trip, you and your loved ones could try out dog sledding for yourselves this holiday season. Only 4 1/2 hours from Boise, Ashton, Idaho won't disappoint. Stunning views await you and this small town is home to a dog sledding tradition dating back to the early 1900s.

Credit: Visit Idaho,
Credit: Visit Idaho,

Founded in 1906 with the expansion of the Union Pacific Railroad, the town of Ashton soon found itself in crisis when heavy snows stopped rail transport during the winter. Their solution? Dog sleds. Soon the sledding industry was booming with dogs transporting people, mail, and supplies throughout the high country winter. Ashton also became home to the oldest All-American Dog Derby which began in 1917.

Today the tradition of sledding is still going strong and you can take part. Silver Sage Mushing in Ashton currently offers 3 lengths of dog sledding tours through Eastern Idaho's high desert snow. If you're a dog lover or just looking to create a new memory with your loved ones this season - check out details, book a trip and get all the info below.

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