Can you remember what it was like at your Senior Prom? Oh my gosh,I remember being so nervous and anxious about the way I would look, and if I got the right corsage and where I was going to take my date for dinner. There were so many things that at the time seemed so important. If you could go back and do it all over again, would you do it? 

At Timberline High School there has been a tradition standing for 10 years now. Seniors taking "Seniors" to Prom for a special second chance at the one dance that we all can look back on. Timberline High School's Wolf Connection Leadership Program has made a very cool commitment to taking students to Treasure Valley Retirement Homes and bridging the gap between the generations.

I love that my old Alma Mater is doing great work in the community. This outreach has created so many special memories not only for students, but for the residents of the homes. Hearing the stories and the experiences that past generations can tell us is the only way that we can learn about our future. I am so proud of this, and the next time around I'm totally there. Make sure to save me a dance ladies.-JD

To learn more about Timberline High School's Wolf Connection Leadership Program Click HERE

Video Credit: Idaho Statesman


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