A Nampa Guy Carves Art Into His Back Hair
Ladies, if you like a clean-shaven guy, there's a chance you'll be grossed out by this.
A man in Nampa is making the most of his back hair by shaving art into it, and you can actually buy his creations and have your very own back hair memento. Here's how.
The story is making national news . Mike Wolfe of Nampa used to feel ashamed of his abundance of back hair, but a friend encouraged him to shave an American flag into it several years ago and since then he's been buzzing new and creative pictures into it every so often. He has a friend who is a graphic artist, and KTVB says he spends about an hour each time trimming designs into Wolfe's back hair. He's created everything from footballs and basketballs to a nativity scene.
If you haven't purchased your 2016 calendar yet, you can own one that features a new back hair design for each month. It's called Calend-hair, and each month has a catchy new theme, like "M-hair-achi Band" for May. Proceeds from the calendar benefit Wolfe's church.
Wolfe is going viral with his back hair. Congrats Mike, on giving hope to hairy guys everywhere!
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