We don't get a halftime, we don't get an intermission. When it comes to 2020, we've jumped head first into the second half. Here are some things we can expect.

2020 part one started with the death of Kobe Bryant and it's been a steady stream downhill since. By march we were knee deep in the pandemic, we've been isolated, quarantined, fighting over masks, Trump and everything in between.

In May, there was the death of George Floyd which started protests around the world.

So what's part two look like?

Well, part two is lucky enough to have the 2020 Presidential Election, so I'd imagine the mud slinging online and in many cases, in person will continue well past that. Sports will return but they will look very different.

The VMA's will happen but they won't have a crowd. Will they have live performances or more Zoom style pre-recorded performances?

Beavis and Butthead, of all things, will return in the second half of 2020 so that's kind of exciting.

Personally, I was supposed to get married in April but we pushed it back to November but now we're not even sure about that cause we booked a venue and paid for all these meals, and everything we're seeing tells us that no one wants to travel in the near future.

It'll be interesting to see what the fall looks like; many parents will have the option to send their kids back to school only, part time, while supplementing with time at home.

Anyway, cheers to the second half of your 2020, I hope it's significantly better than the first!

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