April Fools’ Day Products I Wish Were Real
April Fools' Day is the most stressful day of the year for me. I am SO gullible!
Over the years, big companies like Google and Sam Adams have tried to make us laugh and feel really ridiculous at the same time. One year, Google offered Scratch N' Sniff joke telling you to place your nose near the monitor and click 'Go'", which then "loads odors". Sam Adams joked about a new beer called HeliYUM which is infused with Helium and will change your voice. (That's one I believed for a bit too long.)
Here are a few April Fools' products that I kinda wish were real!
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Alamo Monster Truck Rental
Rental car companies these days will let customers borrow luxury cars like Bentleys and Lamborghinis. Last year for April 1, Alamo launcched (a fake) new monster truck rental program featuring vehicles with 66-inch wheels and supercharged V8 engines.
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Domino's Edible Pizza Box
Domino’s tried to pass the “edibox” as an April Fool’s joke. It was promoted as an environmentally friendly, waste-free dining experience, created in part because “the majority of Domino’s devotees crave extra crust once they’ve finished their meal.”
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Bacon Scope Mouthwash
Scope Bacon made a few people upset a few years ago (tag line: “For Breath That Sizzles”). Scope’s Facebook page drew quite a few agitated commenters: “Never fool with bacon,” one warned.
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Lego Glasses
Oh how I would love these! If you have a kid that loves their Legos, this is a product you would find amazingly useful. Glasses that help you find missing Lego pieces! No more stepping on stray pieces!