A man in Twin Falls by the name Joseph Stevens recently took to the Twin Falls Classified page on Facebook to try and sell himself as a boyfriend for the holidays.
Hasbro announced last week they were going to make Mr. Potato Head gender neutral, and now they've reversed their decision, but not without bringing Idaho into the drama...
With April Fool's Day tomorrow, watch out for the tricks and pranks today at the office.
Twenty-five percent of workers are willing to risk getting fired to pull one over on you at work.
April Fools' Day is the most stressful day of the year for me. I am SO gullible!
Over the years, big companies like Google and Sam Adams have tried to make us laugh and feel really ridiculous at the same time. One year, Google offered Scratch N' Sniff joke telling you to place your nose near the monitor and click 'Go'", which then "loads odors"...