I woke up this morning just like so many other mornings and that included scrolling through Facebook. To my delight there was a message that was posted within the group for our little neighborhood. It was someone who was not happy about their neighbors starting to mow the lawn earlier than they thought was appropriate. Which made me think when is the best time to start those chores?

While I do understand that respecting your neighbors is something you should always attempt to do, we also have had very hot temperatures. So doing these chores in the morning before it gets too hot is something to keep in mind as well.

When I am working on the lawn, I normally wait until 8 a.m. and the person who posted about this online did say the mower started around 7:30 a.m. Even bigger than the time that the chores started, I think the person who was not happy should have just gone to talk with their neighbor. Normally if you're nice when making a request like this people will comply with your request. I know if I was making a neighbor unhappy, all it would take is for them to say something and I would attempt to change the issue.

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