What Is This I See All Over The Boise River
I know I'm probably stupid but I've asked stupid questions my entire life and I'm not going to stop now. Every time I walk down by the Boise River I see this stuff all over rocks and trees. What is it?
It looks like some kind of a greenish moss or mold with white in there. It has a flower type shape to it and looks like it spreads. Is it poisonous or hazardous to anyone walking by? I seriously doubt someone's going to eat it but what if you're taking your dog for a walk along the Green Belt and you know how dogs are... they grub down just about anything. Should I be worried if this happens?
I've searched Google and YouTube and I keep coming up with about 400 different possibilities of what this is. Can anyone narrow that down for me and give me a little info? I'll trade you Boise Music Festival tickets for knowledge. Ha! Thank you in advance.