Trick-or-Treating Tips for Halloween: Pandemic Version
I took a few calls yesterday from mothers who when asked how they felt about rolling back to Stage 3, "I just wish this was over." That seems to be everyone's first thought. Insert Halloween.
This creepy night will fall on Saturday this year with a list of twists and turns of events happening. The real question, "What is the safest way to trick-or-treat?"
I've been reading up on this and there is no doubt that Idahoans are a bit nervous. I keep hearing that nobody wants to ruin Halloween for their kids but you also don't want to completely ignore random people coming to your house. How do we navigate this?

Start by coming up with a plan. Decide what you'll do and make sure to run through it with your kids. I mean you won't be running from people but if social distancing is something you'll be doing make sure everyone is on the same page.
- Continue wearing your masks and don't draw on them. The markers or paint inside that could be inhaled by your kids which is more dangerous. Purchase already designed masks if you must but stay away from putting dangerous chemicals in those masks.
- Avoid the typical trick-or-treating where kids pile in your entryway. I've seen several creative ways people are putting candy in bags as you might see at a birthday party. Just put them out in your decorated yard or driveway.
- Stay in your neighborhood. The Treasure Valley is great when it comes to celebrations like Halloween. I grew up just walking down the streets in my own area but it's different here. So many people travel to trick-or-treat at multiple places. Staying in your own neighborhood keeps you more isolated I guess you could say. The more you travel the better your chances to catch something.
- Hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer. Should I say more?
- No eating candy while out trick-or-treating. Wait until you arrive at home so you can clean everything off. Not everyone is going to take precautions and therefore kids will be sticking hands in everything. Sometimes parents jump in for their children. Better to be safe and just wait.
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
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