This Pregnant Kuna Mom Can Dance!
You go girl!
This Kuna mom is going viral with her dance moves at 37 weeks pregnant, and we can't help but share.
Most of us can't dance this well on a normal day, and in the eighth month of pregnancy you can forget about it. Nice work here. And notice the other kids running around the living room. She truly is a fun, supermom.
KTVB says Amy Jo Audagnotti was trying to go into labor when she posted this video back in December, and she thought dancing to Bruno Mars, Uptown Funk might trigger some contractions. It didn't work, but she does have a viral video on her hands now. And a healthy baby that was born a few weeks after the video was posted.
You never know what's going on at your neighbor's house! But thanks to Youtube, we can catch a little glimpse now and then. You rock, Amy Jo, and congrats on the brand new addition to your awesome family.