TSA rules & regulations literally couldn't be more frustrating.
At least according to us, anyway. One trip after another, it seems like the Transportation Security Administration has it out for harmless, exhausted folks just trying to make their way through the friendly skies.
Whether it's a solo traveler catching a flight up north to Coeur d'Alene to visit Mom and Dad, or a family of six from Boise on their way to Disneyland, there's nothing like a miserable encounter with TSA to ruin an otherwise decent trip.
Let's not forget the cherry on top. What TSA inspection would be complete without them totally trashing your perfectly, strategically-packed suitcase that took two people sitting on it to get it zipped?
Such great times. Thanks, TSA 🙄
To carry-on or risk checking it? That's the $64,000 question.
If you've ever experienced it, you know there are few things in life more aggravating than an airline losing your checked bags. Your toiletries, the weather-appropriate shoes you planned on changing into once you go to where you were going, your UNDERWEAR—being without your stuff is every traveler's nightmare.

We're starting to think the shot-callers at TSA have lost their friggin' minds.
Listen, we get the whole safety-first thing, and we're grateful TSA cares about our well-being. But sometimes they take it a bridge too far with their restrictions. And that's why we were so shocked to find out that TSA is cool with us carrying the 26 things in the gallery below in our carry-ons.
Scroll for 26 bizarre things we didn't know we could have in our carry-ons.
26 Bizarre Things Idahoans Can Have In Their Carry-On
Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
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