
Tinder in the 80's?
Tinder in the 80's?
Tinder in the 80's?
Tinder is a pretty slick dating tool these days if you have a little patience and don't mind weeding through a few frogs on the journey toward that handsome prince
After #Bendgate, Another Hazard for iPhone Users.
After #Bendgate, Another Hazard for iPhone Users.
After #Bendgate, Another Hazard for iPhone Users.
Oh, you poor iPhone users.   After you got past the issues a couple of weeks ago with the slight bend in the phone (seen in that pic over there) there's something new to worry about. The slight bend was caused when users put the phone in their back pockets, and discovered the phone didn't mesh well with skinny jeans and rumps.  And now have you heard that the new iPhone might leave you with a bald
I Hate Rude, Inconsiderate, Cell Phone Users…This Could Cure Those Rudies
I Hate Rude, Inconsiderate, Cell Phone Users…This Could Cure Those Rudies
I Hate Rude, Inconsiderate, Cell Phone Users…This Could Cure Those Rudies
Technology is's made the way we do our jobs easier.  It's made our connections to people closer....but for crying out loud there should be a manual somewhere to teach people how best to use some of these cell phones.  One of my biggest pet peeves is people who loudly talk on their phone in public...