December 26th is National Whiners Day, and it's not an excuse to moan about what we didn't get for Christmas or complain about a relative that got on our nerves over the weekend. Instead, there's one simple thing we can do to observe this important day.
Well that came and went quickly. Did you hear that Boise School District was exploring starting the school year one week earlier in coming years? They aren't anymore.
A coalition has been formed in hopes of getting the Boise School District to keep its regular school year schedule. There have been talks about changing the school calendar in the fall, which would make it so that students get of school for summer vacation earlier, which also means they would go back earlier too...
The Boise School District is surveying parents on a proposal to move the beginning of school to mid-August and end the school year in May.They say to ease testing burdens and improve attendance.
District officials sent out an email to parents saying that the shift would end the first semester by winter break. It also ...
Do you geek out about numbers at all? I remember 7-7-07 and 8-8-08 being big days for weddings, and maybe some c-sections too. Happy sixth birthday to those kids in a few weeks.
There's another big date coming up this winter that will never come around again, and I read that brides are falling all over themselves to get the date booked the wedding day. Can you guess it?