‘Pothole Days’ Back in Ada County
Every year drivers in the Treasure Valley have to deal with potholes. Thanks to KIVI, we got the details about the Ada County Highway District’s “pothole days” event begins on April 2nd. The event is all about trying to rid Ada County of those dreaded potholes.
They can cause a flat tire or tweak the alignment in your car, so it’s all about being proactive right now and making sure you report all potholes at achdidaho.org so they can be fixed as soon as possible.
When visiting the site just go to the “contact us” tab and fill out the form there. You can take a picture, and any additional information you can relay through the site is a huge help to get the potholes fixed.
Typically potholes will be filled within 24 hours of your submission through their website. The “Pothole Days” event will be going through Thursday, April 4th so you only have 2 days to submit information to get the quickest response time possible. Although you can report potholes at any time and the ACHD will try to get them fixed in a timely manner.
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