My Brother’s Cancer is Now in Remission!
Last December I got a call from my brother John, he sounded very serious and to the point saying, "You need to call Dad". I had no idea what was going on but I knew whatever news I was about to receive wasn't good. My father then broke the news to me that my 34 year old brother Drew had been diagnosed with Leukemia.
My first reaction was sad worrying that I would lose the brother I shared a room with growing up because of cancer. I quickly snapped out of it and realized cancer had no idea who they were messing with. Drew is one of the most strong and hard-headed people (I mean that with love). When he sets his mind to something, there is no doubt that it will happen.
What started out as a minor bump on his elbow was now cancer but Drew wasn't just going to roll over and die. He immediately started working with the amazing staff in Seattle at the Virginia Mason Hospital, University of Washington School of Medicine, & Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to formulate the game-plan to beat Leukemia.
Throughout his Chemotherapy treatments, different medicines, and treatment procedures it was scary to see my brother look so ill, but I knew it was all part of the process. There was one common goal and everyone was pulling in the same direction.
The Bone Marrow Transplant took place on Friday, June 15th and then we had to be patient that the medicine and treatment plan would react correctly with Drew's body, and it did! Last night I found out that his cancer is now in remission. In less than 12 months he went from a very scary diagnosis to being in remission. THANK GOD!
With our father passing away just last week this is the best news we could hope for during this difficult time. We are all so grateful for every person who helped Drew with his journey, and I am so proud of my brother for the fight he took on so courageously. Last but certainly not least I want to thank all of the people that donated money as this process started to help with the expenses. You are a life saver!