The phone call was from the producers of the popular Food Network show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, hosted by Guy Fieri. The show highlights unique local restaurants across the country. Monica Bremmer, the owner of Tango's Empanadas shared with us her initial reaction.

"When the call came at 6 am saying that we were chosen among 12 restaurants and is this something that we're ok with, Well…. It was surreal. At first, I thought it was a prank call. But then all the emails came in, more calls, and then the wait. Would we be one of the six chosen?

Monica and her husband, Luis, began hoping they would make the cut to host the legendary food network host. They waited and waited for another call, one that would change their lives and their restaurant forever.

"Then the call again at six in the morning, and all I could do was scream and cry. Cry and scream. Louis came running as I was going down the stairs to tell him, and then it was the two of us crying and screaming, and then our two dogs joined in.

Monica shared with us how the producers treated the Idaho couple. "She just kept saying, "I know, I know, take it in, cry, it's ok" That Sunday, the producers came; they were amazing!! The friendliest, most loving, caring, funny crew you could ever imagine!!! We felt we knew them all our lives, and it was so easy to do all we had to do to set up and shoot for three days. We literally played and laughed like high school kids putting on a show."

The show aired recently on the Food Network to rave reviews. However, what was it like to meet the famous Guy Fieri? Was he as nice in person as he appears to be on television? Monica detailed what it was like to have a high-profile chef and television personality watching her work in her kitchen. She says it was crazy in a significant way.

"We made jokes about everything! Meeting Guy was amazing!!! We hit it off right away and joked and joked; none of it was on the show, but I'll remember our craziness for the rest of my life. Guy is such a huge celebrity, but he is the kindest, loving, nicest person. He cares about you. Guy truly cares. He gave us counsel that we will put into practice. Things that only he knows due to his experience through all the years of dealing with Mom and Pops."

Only a few folks in Idaho or America get an opportunity to be profiled on such a famous show in its forty-fifth season. We asked Monica if there were something she'd like to share with everyone.

"Well, we've been in business for almost 17 years The dream of sharing a new product (the empanada) to Idaho and putting all our savings and hopes that people would like our product. They provided work for so many. The customers became family.

Folks didn't just come in to eat but shared their happiness, sadness, and achievements. We've always cried, prayed, mourned, encouraged, laughed, and have been lifted by their support. Word of mouth. We can't repay that with anything.

So I have to say, our "pockets of love," as we call them, are just that. Love=verb. Not money, but it has all to do with love—loved shared by everyone that comes into our business, from our employee family to our customer family. Lastly, I hope everyone truly understands this. You CAN achieve anything in the Lord's time, and that IS the best time."

Congratulations to everyone at Tango's Empanadas. Check out the photos here.

Tango's Empanadas Magice Revealed

They have fun with Guy Fieri on the Food Network.

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