#IAM149 An Amazing Non-Profit Here in the Treasure Valley
Have you ever heard of #IAM149, I hadn't until I was lucky enough to take a ride-along last week with the Nampa Police Department. It was on the ride-along where I got to meet Diana Register, she works as a 911 dispatcher and is the courageous and strong woman who created #IAM149.
#IAM149 is a non-profit organization that was formed to grant wishes for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. Anyone who has seen this horrible cancer knows how fast it can completely take over your body. Diana is a widow, after Pancreatic Cancer took her husband, Police Officer James "Chad" Register after 18 months battling the cancer.
His police badge number "149" has become synonymous with courage, strength, determination and hope especially as people learn his story from Diana. Since creating the non-profit here in the Treasure Valley, Diana has also created the bestselling book "Grief Life - A Memoir of Love, Loss & Triumph."
I was highly impressed by Diana because so many people in that situation wouldn't be able to see through all the sorrow and she has done so and is trying to help others who are in that same situation. In a world that seems to be so negative it fantastic to see such a positive example.
If you want to learn more about #IAM149 visit their website here. And if you're looking for other ways to help the cause I would highly suggest visiting their site, it has information on donating time money or other resources that could help further awareness for #IAM149.