If you've ever dreamed whipping red shells down Rainbow Road on the big screen, now is your chance! 

Back in the day, we had a friend that had a projector. On warm summer nights, he'd hook his Wii into it, shine it at his garage door and turn his driveway into a supersized Wii Bowling lane for his family. When the kids got bored, we'd switch out consoles and play Mario Kart 64. (The kids hated it. They couldn't figure out why the graphics looked 'so bad' and we didn't want to explain that the game came out before they were born.)

It was such a cool experience to play our favorite video games on a larger than life "screen."  We were always sad when the weather got colder and we'd have to move those video game nights back into the living room.

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How could would it be if you could have an experience like that year round and never have to worry about rain, wind or snow interfering with your big screen gaming? Enter Cinemark's Majestic Cinemas in Meridian!

The Majestic has been offering the unique opportunity to rent one of their theaters for Private Watch Parties since August 2020. For a fee that works out to $7.45 a ticket if you can fill your guest list, you can watch a new release with up to 20 of your closest friends. It's a model that's worked out well for the Majestic and it's sister theaters around the country, so they've expanded the ways they can offer use of their theaters to small groups.

You can now host a private gaming party in one of their auditoriums! For $149, your group of 20 gets two hours of access to an ultimate, larger-than-life gaming screen and the theater's incredible surround sound.

When you host your gaming party, you use your own console and your own games. Any console that has an HDMI input can be hooked up in the Majestic's theater. They will have staff available if you need help setting up your console or tweaking the audio levels and video settings!

One note for serious gamers, the Majestic isn't set-up for online gameplay, so you should pick a game that doesn't require internet access for certain player modes of an "always-on internet connection."

Interested in setting up one of these parties for your group? Maybe it'd be a cool way for your video game loving child to celebrate their birthday? Then click HERE for more details. Most days the Majestic has at least two and sometimes up to four of these Private Gaming Party blocks available!

A Definitive Ranking of Every Mario Kart 64 Course from Worst to First

Listen. We're bummed the Nintendo 64 isn't HDMI combatable and therefore isn't one of the consoles you can hook up to the big screen at the Majestic. We all know it's the best of the 10 versions of the popular Nintendo game.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

Treasure Valley Trunk-Or-Treat Guide 2021

Spooky Season is here and before you know it, the kids will be dressed up in their costumes and on the hunt for their favorite sweets! This is a round up of Trunk-Or-Treat events currently set for this Halloween season! Click the event for more details about what they have planned. Some have costumed contests. Others have adoptable pets in costume. If you're hosting one and would like to be added to our list click HERE.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

Trunk-spiration for Meridian's Trunk or Treat

Struggling to find a theme for your business, non-profit or organization's trunk for this year's Meridian Trunk or Treat on October 26? We'll take care of the ideas for you, you just need to need to bring them to life! Here are some possible themes you can use this year!

BTW, the photos from Oriental Trading are full Trunk or Treat kits! If you have no arts and crafts skills whatsoever, you can click the name of the theme and buy the whole kit.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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