Friend or Foe: The Geese of Treasure Valley
Back when I first arrived in the Treasure Valley, like most newcomers I asked what I need to see, stay away from, where to go, and all of the standard “need-to-know” info. When I first heard about the geese in Boise, I thought “oh that sounds nice!”
It wasn’t until that I began to hear from locals that these geese can not only be a nuisance to the area but they can also apparently be hostile; I couldn’t (and still can’t) believe it. How could something that appears to be so harmless be so violent towards humankind?
After taking the family out for lunch and errands in southeast Boise yesterday, we drove by Timberline High School where I noticed a pretty marvelous sight: dozens upon dozens of geese congregating for what appeared to be an organized game of football. Yes, there were that many if not more.
Out of pure curiosity and obviously some oblivion, I made my way towards the football field and track to get a closer look at all of our feathered friends. In no way did I feel threatened or even feel the need to look up what I should do if all of these geese just decided “we’re gonna get this guy.”
The geese weren’t bothered by my presence and went on with their business. There I am, standing in the middle of the football wondering two things: one, what species of geese are these and in what world did these geese earn their volatile reputation?
As my fellow co-workers pointed out to me, these geese are Canadian Geese who will attack if threatened AND are federally protected! If you find yourself in a showdown with a Canadian Geese, your only real solution is to run. Despite all of that, I didn’t feel threatened once. Have our feathered friends decided to make peace? Are they in the holiday spirit? Were they just point-blank terrified of the crazy 30-something-year-old man running in their direction, flailing his arms as he made noise? The mystery continues on with our Treasure Valley geese: friend or foe?
If you or someone you know needs information on how to protect yourself from the Treasure Valley’s Canadian Geese, we have plenty of tips for you to stay safe.
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Gallery Credit: Unsplash.com