Enrollment Capped at Two West Ada Schools
We all know about the population increase that is currently taking place across the Treasure Valley. That means more people on the roads and more students in classrooms. But as Idaho News has reported both Hillsdale and Hunter Elementary Schools in the West Ada School District are now having to cap enrollment due to overcrowding.
The cap will affect families and students that moved into the attendance area after August 13, 2019.
At both elementary schools 25 students in each classroom is the maximum for Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade. In the 3rd grade classroom there can be up to 26 students. In 5th and 6th grade classrooms the limit will be at 32 students.
Students who move into the Hillsdale area after the cap, that live on the west side of Eagle road will be provided busing to Siena Elementary. On the east side of area those students will be provided busing to Silver Sage Elementary.
Enrollment at Hunter Elementary was capped back in April. The enrollment at that time was 850 students when the original capacity was 650 students.
The enrollment cap will be lifted after the new Pleasant View Elementary school opens in the fall of 2020. The new school will be located on the east side of Blackcat Road between McMillan and Chinden Roads.
We're hoping all students have a fantastic school year as most students are back in class this week or next.
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