City Of Trees Getting Tree-er With Free Trees!
Boise is "the city of trees". What good would it be if the city of trees didn't have a plan to plant more trees? The goal: 100,000 trees in the next ten years, here's how you can get involved.
The City of Boise is leading a new movement for community recovery and climate resiliency – we’ve set a big goal – and we need your help to make it happen. Together, over the next decade we will plant one tree for every household in the city, that’s 100,000 trees! We also challenge our community to sponsor one seedling for every person in the city in our forests across the state of Idaho.
If you'd like to get started and you'd like a free tree to plant and watch grow, check this out from The Boise Farmers Market.
Planting a tree is a pretty fun activity to do with kids, too. One of the earliest memories I have is back when I was like five years old, planting an apple tree in our yard. I don't know what I was doing exactly, other than digging a hole, putting some seeds in it, covering it up and putting water over it.
Unfortunately we were in a rental house and I think we moved shortly after I planted the tree so I didn't get to see my apple tree to fruition. But now, here in Boise, with this new initiative, you can plant a tree and watch it grow with your family!
Thanks to the city of Boise and KTVB.