Carly’s Insane Pregnancy Cravings
Maren Morris is pregnancy with her first child, a baby boy, that is due in March. She's been talking about her pregnancy cravings, saying she craves a lot of the things she did before, just in larger quantities. My pregnancy cravings were not that normal.
With my son, the cravings were the first sign to me that I was pregnant. I had never had a food craving wake me up night after night like this, but all of a sudden I had to have orange juice, navel oranges, and Orange Julius all the time. I would go through half a dozen oranges in a 4 hour work shift! That's not the weirdest craving, I get it. The weird came with my daughter.
I could hardly eat anything with my daughter, because I was sick all the time, but the only thing that ever sounded good to me was hot peppers and and vinegar!
I would go through a whole 8 oz. jar of pepperocini peppers in a sitting. I always had cucumbers and vinegar in the fridge, and I would drink the left over juice from hot peppers right out of the jar. Now imagine throwing that stuff up! It wasn't pretty, but even now, I'll get intense cravings for hot peppers and limes. ( I Just went through a whole jar of hot peppers last week!) I have zero chance of being pregnant, but every time I get those cravings or pass by Orange Julius it reminds me of my kids.
If you've been pregnant, what did you crave?
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