Boise Boys Get Second Showing On HGTV This Week
Friends of the Mix Morning Show, Luke, and Clint aka the Boise Boys are hoping for some great news tomorrow afternoon. Their show "Boise Boys" which premiered on HGTV last month is getting a second airing, and it could be a make or break event. YIKES!!!
During the first run of the show which aired on Sunday to an amazing audience of 1.3 Million people, Luke Caldwell and Clint Roberton are hoping the change of times and day of the re-airing will make a difference. They posted this on their Instagram page of Timber and Love earlier this week.
It's literally up to YOU to help spread the word. HGTV will take the finding of the show's re-airing and then go through and see if there is a reason to order a full season. PLEASE PLEASE DO IT!! Watch this show, set your DVR's and share the word about these to #BoiseBoys. Roberton was quoted in the Idaho Statesman' article about the show as saying “We made the first hurdle,” Robertson said after the first airing. “We have no assurances by anybody that we’re going to have a show, but ... it’s like a long-distance hurdle race, and we made the first hurdle.”
The schedule for the show to air is up on the HGTV Website right now, but just so you can have it at your fingertips today at 11:00 AM on Direct TV and 2:00 PM for Cable One Customers that you need to watch it. #thiswednesday #dvr #hgtv#boiseboys #boiseboysonhgtv #playon #loveya #community#timberandlove #🌲➕❤️