Attended the Most Memorable Wedding of My Life Last Weekend
We are in the middle of wedding season, it seems like just about every weekend we have friends posting on Facebook about a recent wedding. Weddings can be very unpredictable at times but always seem to end well and everyone has a good time. That was the case with the wedding I attended over the weekend, some abnormal moments but everyone in attendance enjoyed themselves.
One of my wife's friends got married this past weekend in Seattle, as she was a bridesmaid in our wedding we needed to be there for her special day too. After a long drive with dogs that wanted to act up the whole ride we arrived and started preparing for the wedding.
While driving to the church for the ceremony my wife told me that her friend (Kate) actually crocheted her own wedding dress. I was intrigued because I am frugal so saving money sounds good but I was nervous how the dress would look. I will say it looked great! You could tell there was a lot of time and effort put into the creation of the dress.
Another part of the wedding I will not soon forget was the Wedding Officiant who recited nearly the whole speech that Chris Pratt delivered after his recent win at the MTV Movie Awards, and how it related to marriage. It was different, but the message was received and it was very topical.
After the wedding I found out that the newlyweds have decided to change both of their last names. Because they often act 'cheesy' together as a couple they have both changed their last name to Colby. They will now go by Kyle & Kate Colby. As Kate said in her FB post, "Like many aspects of our relationship, we prefer to define ourselves." Obviously, wishing nothing but the best to the newlyweds.
This wedding was different compared to other weddings I have attended, but it was fun to see how they made it their own. What is the craziest or strangest thing you have ever witnessed at a wedding? We would love to hear from you at 208-376-5106 or let us know on Facebook or Instagram.
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