Albertsons Now Requesting Customers to Not Open-Carry Guns
Walmart asked their customers to not open carry weapons in their stores, Kroger the company that owns Fred Meyer's has made the same request to their customers. And on Saturday through their Twitter account Boise-based grocery chain Albertsons is now requesting the same from their customers.
The company issued the following statement on social media over the weekend.
"We see our grocery stores as a hub in local communities & we're proud to serve our neighbors. We want our stores to feel safe & welcoming for all, so we respectfully ask customers to not openly carry firearms in our stores unless they are authorized law enforcement officers."
The Albertsons Company owns over 2,200 stores in 34 states and employs in the neighborhood of 270,000 people.
I'm sure we will continue to see large stores taking this stance and asking their customers to not carry firearms inside of their stores. Do you agree with Albertsons and their stance on open-carry or would you prefer for patrons to continue to carry their weapons as they see fit?
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