Yoga Behind Bars
Feeling the burn, stretching it out, it can all be healthy for you. A new program specifically designed to keep you healthy, lean and fit is being introduced to those behind bars in Ada County.
In its purest form, the practice helps those individuals who are dealing with stress, pain, and a crazy lifestyle find balance peace and a center. For those who face a small or long stint behind bars, finding that inner peace, may not be the most important or easily achieved goal.
Two sisters from Boise who run Zen Riot Yoga & Wellness Studio, have brought their love of flow into the Pre Release Center (PRC) of South Idaho Corectional Institute. For eight weeks the sisters have helped prepare the minds and bodies of inmates who are getting closer each day to a return to the real world outside of locked doors guards. Every inmate at the facility has the option to attend the class and the sisters have reported that no matter which day, the room is full. It's a huge success. The sisters say that even though it may seem like it's just time away from their cells, and a break from reality in the moment it is all about rehabilitation and starting on the inside helps those getting out prepare better for life outside.
Read more from their interview with our news partners New Channel 7 on its website www.ktvb.com. Way to go, ladies, I"m a huge fan of this and you are doing great work. Yoga truly is for everyone.
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