When Will Greenbelt Repairs Be Completed?
No doubt, one of the best parts of the Boise area is our outdoor recreation, and the Greenbelt is certainly at the top of the list. After flood damage, repairs are kicking into gear.
We've shared that the Boise Parks and Recreation department has been analyzing the repair needs and preparing the budget, and they have been continuing that process. I found an article in the Idaho Statesman that updates the progress.
Some had estimated that repairs could run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that continues to represent the low-end. They could end up stretching into the millions.
There were originally five sections of the Greenbelt that had not reopened with the majority of the trail. That is now at four and includes the Veterans Park Pathway that represents a 2400 foot paved section, a smaller stretch near Quinn's Pond, a portion of the trail between Broadway and Capitol, and the Bethine Church River Trail.
We definitely put our trails to use with the Parks and Recreation usage estimates in the millions of trips every year. The City Council has opened bids to five contractors to move repairs forward and as more damage is discovered, be in a position to get repairs to those sections moving as well.
It's not known exactly when these sections will reopen at this point, but progress is being made. I know for most of us, that's great news about a great part of our region.