When Do You Take Your Decorations Down?
It has now been almost two full weeks since Christmas Day, we have had time to enjoy the holiday season and now it's time for the lights and decorations to be put away until next year. Or at least that was one of the things on our to-do list this past weekend.
It's amazing how much time it takes to break down all the decorations it seemed like putting away ornaments took forever, it was such a tedious job removing all the ornament hooks. We still have some decorations around the house because Savannah and I were just done with the project after taking the ornaments off the tree.
I still see lots of decorations up around our neighborhood, which just makes me wonder if most people are taking down their lights and decorations soon? While I still enjoy seeing some lights up I feel like 2 weeks after the holiday is the time to bring them all down. What do you say?
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