What Makes For A Good Neighbor In Idaho?
It's important to me that my family and I connect with our new community and dive into our new lives as Treasure Valley residents. I'm excited to plant roots and potentially grow our family here. We live in a seemingly quiet family friendly neighborhood and I want to make sure we are good additions to the street.
So far we've adhered to the common niceties. We don't park blocking anyone's driveway or home and we don't play any loud music at odd hours. Our trash cans are pulled in promptly and we keep the yard free of clutter to keep the neighborhood aesthetic. But that's basic stuff. Everyone in Idaho seems to go out of their way to be nice. I want to be on that level.
Boise PD shared some tips for being a good neighbor earlier this year. They encourage joining your neighborhood's Facebook and Instagram pages to connect with others on your block. They also suggest to pay attention to suspicious activity and report any unusual activity you witness. That sounds snitchy, but if it's to protect the neighborhood I imagine it's fine.
My neighbor came to my door today to alert me to an issue with my sprinklers that was messing up the grass in her yard. She was very kind and I made sure to validate her concerns and reach out to my landlord immediately to correct the issue. But I also made a point to learn a little bit about her and tell her a little about my family so there can be a familiarity if any other problems arise. It's easier to talk to a friend than a stranger, I find.
With Covid I should probably wait on distributing baked goods to all the houses on the block, but I think I'll jump on that neighborhood Facebook page and introduce myself. Maybe I'll offer up my husband to do yard work, too. Anything to make a good impression.
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