We’re Having a Baby, It’s a Boy
How did that happen? I was just having a very serious conversation with my wife about stopping with baby number two, Leo. It was a very spirited conversation that ending in the ever so popular, "let's just talk about it later."
Surprise! We didn't really set a date for the future conversation because here we are with a verdict. Baby number three is coming this Summer and it's going to be a boy. We're having another boy.
It's interesting how you think having a boy and girl was the end. Everyone was always telling me how lucky I was not to have to keep trying to even out the teams. I'm writing this now so I can introduce myself considering I'm on a new radio station and welcoming a new family member. I'm a very open book and you're finding out hours after we did. It's a boy. We're done. Seriously.
This pandemic has really challenged everything because Lennox was supposed to start his first year. We kept them both safe at home with limited contact. My son suffered some health issues early in those first 3 years and we really don't take chances. Our son's name is Lennox and our little girl's name is Leo
We let Lennox open the letter this morning and he was excited followed by sweet tears of joy. My daughter is only 2 years old and she was less enthusiastic. I think she wanted another doll to play with.
I will be taking my learning curve on-air with me each day from 3 PM - 7 PM. I'm learning and each of them is very different. It's funny how our son gets upset because Leo takes something or was aggressive. We discipline Leo and Lennox decides to take her side as if we did something wrong. I still have so much to learn, but we're excited to figure it out right here in Boise.
Lennox and Leo were both born at Saint Alphonsus and so will number three. I can't wait to float the river with everyone like a grown-up family (once everyone is safe to float.) It will just be exciting to walk with all of them around downtown as the city grows in front of us. I can't wait to see them all stand in front of Fountain Square at the Village in Meridian. I remember when we took our son to PJ Masks at the Idaho Center and it was the best. I'm somewhat scared we'll end up coming home from the Western Idaho Fair with a goldfish. Please, no.
We are expecting in late July and the name is yet to be announced.
Everything looks good so far!
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Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart
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