Treasure Valley Pools Join World’s Largest Swimming Lesson
Six hundred locations around the globe are going to be part of the World's Largest Swimming Lesson this Thursday, including two places right here in the Treasure Valley.
Take the kids!
The World's Largest Swimming Lesson was organized in 2010 to teach vital techniques and help give kids the skills they need to survive in the water, and it's evolved into a worldwide event that helps kick off the official start of summer.
If the kids are afraid of the water, telling them that thousands of other kids around the world are swimming with them on Thursday might help, right? It's worth a shot.
Do you worry about your kids when they're in the pool? I do a smidge, even though I've been swimming with my girls since they were babies. They're pretty good swimmers, but every once in a while I catch them jumping off the side of the pool and landing too close to the wall, and I have to remind them that their heads are valuable. Know your surroundings, girls! And don't dive into shallow water. And don't panic, just tread water until you're out of a tight spot. And I'm really glad you don't have to wear swim diapers anymore.
Check out this alarming little nugget. The World Health Organization estimates that drowning is one of the "top five causes of death for people ages 1-14 in 48 of the 85 countries" it monitors around the globe. Swimming lessons can help save lives, and that's the whole idea behind this Thursday's event.
If you want to join World's Largest Swimming Lesson this Thursday, June 20, there's still room for you at Raptor Reef in Nampa. Roaring Springs says on its website that registrations are full for that lesson Thursday morning at 9, but it might be worth sending an email to see if there have been any cancellations. Kids should be between 3 and 12 to participate.
Roaring Springs Waterpark in Meridian
Samantha Mitchell
Operations Manager & Swim School Coordinator
Raptor Reef Indoor Waterpark in Nampa
Register by emailing WLSL@3play.com with your first and last name, the names and ages of each participating child, and your preferred session time (8 or 9 am.) You'll get a reply telling you whether or not you're approved.
The first day of summer is Friday, June 21, and it will be even more fun with the peace of mind that the kids have leveled up on the swimming skills. Now if only they'll get good at applying sunscreen...
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