Trash Collection Days Changing in the Treasure Valley
Part of "adulting" is making sure you know when your garbage pick up is. The last thing you want is forget to put out your big garbage can and not have any room for garbage the following week. That's why I thought it was so important to let you know that the City of Nampa posted on Facebook yesterday that certain areas across the Treasure Valley will have a different trash collection day.
The areas specifically discussed were in Nampa, Caldwell, and Middleton but you should double check your area just to be sure. The new trash collection routes and days wil begin on April 15th, 2019 and there will be notifications in the areas changing through the mail, door hangers, and through social media.
If you want to double check if your trash collection day is changing you can call 208-466-3302 or you can visit the website idahotrashdays.com to make sure. Personally, I just double checked mine and it will remain the same but always make sure to check for yourself.
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