This is My Annual Nerdy Weekend in Seattle
You can hide it as much as you want to but we all have certain things that bring us joy that other people think are nerdy. My just happens to be fantasy sports, and that means getting together with a group of friends to draft sports teams. We get together each year in March for the fantasy baseball draft and normally draft online for our fantasy football draft in late August early September.
We have been doing this for years in fact last year our whole league decided to take the draft on the road and we rented a really nice VRBO in Las Vegas and spent a weekend acting like young 20-year old's again.
With most league member living in the Seattle area we will once again be drafting from my brother's house just a little bit south of Seattle on Saturday night. I'm looking forward to getting together with friends, talking smack, and overthinking about potential baseball stats for this season. If you're in a fantasy baseball league this year too, GOOD LUCK!
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