This Big Box Store is Rumored to be Replacing Shopko on Broadway
While I was in Shopko on Broadway over the weekend everyone seemed to be asking and talking about them closing and what was going to replace it. Of course, curious minds will wander.
I was checking out at the Shopko on Broadway and people were talking, asking when they were closed ( early April) and then came folks talking about "rumors" with what is going to replace it. When one door closes another opens and if this rumor I heard is true then I know I am happy.
I, along with thousands of people and college kids, live in this area and this was the only big retail store close, otherwise yes Fred Meyer's has some options or you have to go out to Overland or on State. So what is the rumor, who is the big store coming that way? TARGET!!! Again this is a rumor but it was heard by multiple people who had ever met each other and they did say they heard it on the news.
I know this would be welcomed, yes some don't like it but being a person in that area I need some retail therapy closer to me then Overland and when I need something that big box stores.