Someone Shot a Cat in Nampa With an Arrow
Injuring an animal for no reason is one of the most horrible things you could do, in my opinion. Unfortunately, that is the exact scenario that the Nampa Police Department and Animal Control had to deal with last week.
On Friday morning Nampa Police got a call about an arrow through a cat. The cat was between 2 and 5 years old and picked up near Greenhurst and Southside in Nampa. The cat was rushed to West Valley Humane Society but the injuries were too much and he did not survive.
If you have any information regarding this case please contact Nampa Animal Control at 208-465-2257.
As a Nampa resident this makes me so angry. There was absolutely no reason that this cat's life should have been taken like this. The fact that someone can injure a helpless animal like that will never make sense to me. So please, if you have any information regarding this case please reach out to the authorities.