Some Clarity On The Bandit “Cluesletter”
For all of you on the hunt, chasing down The Bandit to win the $5000, I've heard there were a few questions about the "Cluesletter" and I wanted to try to clarify things a little bit.
Twice a week, His Evilness has promised to send out a "Cluesletter" which will catch you up on clues you might have missed (or want to double-check that you got right). So what do you need to know to make sure you've got the "Cluesletter" coming?
1. The "Cluesletter" is a part of the Mix Insider newsletter, so sign up for the main newsletter and that will give you the link to get the clue recap (and sometimes bonus clues). You can sign up on the right side of the main mix106radio.com page.
2. You DO need to be a Mix 12 Listeners' Club Member to access the clues, so make sure you have signed up for BOTH the newsletter and to be a 12 Listeners' Club Member.
3. They will come out twice a week, most likely on Wednesday and Sunday but there can be a slight delay depending on who your email provider is, etc.
Hope that helps and that your searching is going well. This is always fun for us to get to "play along with you." Good luck!
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