Sheep X-ing Happening This Saturday in Eagle
It's not everyday that you see hundreds of sheep crossing the highway but you will get the chance to this rare (and rural) spectacle this Saturday in Eagle!
Make sure you are somewhere around ID-55 & E Beacon Light Rd on Saturday morning at approximately 9:30 a.m. to witness Wilder rancher Frank Shirts lead his sheep into the high country. The sheep will spend the summer in the Boise National Forest before lambs are shipped to market.
Sheep ranching is an Idaho tradition that dates back to the 1880s. Frank Shirts is one of Idaho's largest sheep ranchers. He runs 12 bands, or about 28,000 ewes and lambs, from the low country in Wilder near the Snake River to the high country in the Boise and Payette National Forests every year.
This crossing has become a favorite for the community. His sheep certainly draw crowds! Unless you live on a sheep farm you may never get to see how sheep herding works anywhere else so there's also some educational value. It's also really cool to see the sheep dogs at work - it might be my favorite part. Check out this video from last year's crossing to get an idea.
As for parking, you can find space on the east side of 55 at the end of Horseshoe Bend and down Beacon Light. You might also be lucky enough to find some parking at the gas station there. If you can't attend the sheep crossing in person, there will be a Facebook live stream you can tune in to.