Saying Goodbye to My Best Dog Friend Maggie
It's never easy saying goodbye to our four-legged friends. This dog has been really special to me for 10 years.
I have watched Maggie for years and years, and not only have I been her baby sitter but her friend and that's the truth. It was odd saying a dog was my friend but she was so scared when her owners got her so long ago and would barely come to anyone, I was one of the lucky ones that she warmed up to instantly. She was a red-nosed pitbull and people were scared of her and someone probably didn't treat her right when she was young.
One story that I always laugh about it hey had these crazy roosters and when I would watch the dogs I would watch the house and semi watch the chickens/roosters. These funny looking roosters were so mean and one time I turned my back to one and started walking away, as soon as all the dogs got in front of me ( there were 4) the rooster attacked me from behind and Maggie was right in front of me and ran the other way. I laugh that she wouldn't save me from the roosters but would in a serious situation.
We had a special bond that grew over the many years of watching her. She enjoyed her pack and was not so comfortable out of the house area but she did great when she visited. I will miss her very much.
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