New Park Proposed for Warm Springs Avenue
I love our local parks. In the spring and summer my family loves spending time outside and we have so many amazing places to choose from right here in town. All of the Boise parks are well maintained and many of them have play spaces for my kids and quite a few have off-leash hours for our dog! Recently a new city park was proposed and its in a location those of us at Mix106 know pretty well.
Last fall, our friend, The Bandit, hid his famous cash in the Treasure Valley. When the game was finally over, the cash turned up on Warm Springs Avenue right by the Highway 21 bridge! This place has become a bit of a sore spot for some people, especially a friend of mine who was playing the game and came within inches of the prize. However, there's a chance this scenic spot could become part of the Boise park system in the next few years.
Aaron Howell, President of the Northwest Lineman College in Meridian, recently purchased the 8 acres of land at the eastern end of Warm Springs Road with the intention of donating it to the Boise Parks & Recreation Department. Howell, who proposed developing the land as a park, wants to name the space after his wife, Sue and carry on the long-standing tradition of naming Boise parks after women in the community.
There have been a few issues with the park's development, the main one being that the land is outside city limits. However, last week, the City Council approved a 44 acre annex which will link Howell's land to the edge of the city limit. If all goes well, donation of the land to the parks department should happen later this year.
Read more about the proposed park, HERE!
For more on Boise Parks and Recreation: https://facebook.com/
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