New Data Reveals Idaho Drinks Most Wine Per Capita
Some new data shows that Idahoans like their wine. With over 50 wineries in the state this new data is not a surprise to some.
Now overall consumption is not where we "won", that goes to California the main makers of American wine. We did not get those honors and that is mainly because our population. Per capita though we are number one. Vinepair used date and mapping from government sources to reveal each states wine habits. Having visited the Sunnyslope Wine Festival over the summer I can attest to Idaho liking wine.
The one I thought was a surprise in the top 5 was New Mexico... DC, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Vermont round out the top 5. They looked at data from 1977 to 2015. As the Idaho wine industry continues to grow I expect we could hold the top spot in the future multiple times.