Moving Away For Work: Expect The Unexpected
I knew landing my dream job on Mix 106 with John Moug would take me away from my hometown of Las Vegas to beautiful Boise (It's so green!). But I didn't realize I would be moving here just days after signing my name on the dotted line. It's a lot to uproot your entire family, so my husband and kiddos have stayed behind for now to tie up loose ends before making the move. My immediate concern was how hard it would be to live without them for 2 months! I've never been away from them for longer than three days.
Two weeks in, and I have been THRILLED for the break! I love my family, but there's something to be said about exploring a new town on your own. No tiny hands tugging at you while enjoying the artwork down Freak Alley. No nagging voice asking you to hurry it up while shopping at the magical Albertsons in Meridian. Not having to share your Vanilla Bean Cake Donut from Guru Donuts 'cause your kid finished his and wants more.
I'm sure I'll feel differently in the coming weeks, but for now I'm very about this independent life.
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