Love It or Hate It, Today is the Day for Eggnog
Eggnog is an acquired taste, and I didn't get into it until after college, but my 8-year old already loves it (non-spiked of course). Love it or hate it, there is a reason why we should all drink a gallon of eggnog today.
It's National Eggnog Day. Woohoo! If you don't feel like drinking it you could always whip up some eggnog cookies or make eggnog bread pudding. Eggnog is creamy and sweet, and therefore worth our time and attention.
What in the world is in eggnog, anyway? The organizers of National Eggnog Day say it's a "sweetened dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk and cream, sugar, whipped eggs, and spices. When served at parties and holiday get-togethers, liquor is often added to the eggnog, such as brandy, rum, whiskey, bourbon, vodka, or any combination. The full glass is typically garnished with a sprinkle of cinnamon, nutmeg, or pumpkin spice."
Some of us might pour eggnog over crushed ice, and as we chew the ice it feels like we're eating the eggnog. And the vodka. Deelish.
My daughter, Piper, has a big sweet tooth, and winter eggnog has replaced the summer/fall popsicle when she gets a sweet craving, so almost every evening she sips eggnog over crushed ice. I push the low-fat or almond milk versions of eggnog to cut down on the calories at least a little bit.
If you really want to sink your teeth into the eggnog flavor and you're not particularly thirsty, you could try Eggnog Cookies or Eggnog Bread Pudding instead of sipping it. Those recipes look like they might be pretty easy and tasty, and they would provide a vessel for getting rid of that leftover container of eggnog in the fridge.
And that's probably precisely why they have Eggnog Day right before Christmas. To get rid of it! We're at the end of the holiday season and December 24th is about the time stores want to sell out of seasonal concoctions before they expire.
Eggnog isn't loved by everyone in my family, but it's always an option at my house for a festive beverage on Christmas Eve. Whatever your tradition is, add some fuzzy pants and a cozy fire and make it a great night. Merry Christmas.