Keystone Hospice Hosting Grief Community Meetings In February
I grew up knowing my father for just the first 8 years of my life. Our relationship was complicated to say the least. I felt both loved and rejected by this man whose anger and abuse created trauma that would mark the rest of my life. In 2012 he died in a prison hospice. The news shook me to my core. A strange combination of sadness, anger, relief, and loss consumed me. To this day I don't know that I've ever truly worked through these feelings, as I find myself in tears in this very moment. Grief is such a tricky thing. It's always said there is no one right way to grieve, but I've found my most hopeful moments in times of community with those who have also lost loved ones.
Keystone Hospice knows very well that the grief process can be an arduous one, and has put together "Grief Community- a safe place to share, relate, and process." February 2nd at noon begins the first meeting in a series of 8 meetings via Zoom where you can "receive care and resources for your grief journey." The sessions will then take place for the next 7 consecutive Tuesdays.
Perhaps this year more than ever there is more to grieve, as the pandemic has swiftly stolen over 1500 lives here in Idaho. But no matter how you've lost a loved one or in what stage of grief you are, this is a good opportunity to work through those feelings and know you are not alone. For information on how to participate, call Kami Robinett at (208) 996-8181 or email her at krobinett@keystonehospice.org
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