Careful what you wish for is a famous old saying, whether it's a reference to a place to live or a job you've decided to leave. Our state has been blessed with a massive amount of population growth. It wasn't long ago that Idaho was an undiscovered state that was our little secret.

Today, that secret is out, and many Idahoans have decided to punt and leave Idaho. Traffic, high property taxes, Conservative politics, and other issues are many reasons people cite on social media for leaving the Gem State. Some folks say that Idaho is not Conservative enough!


'Leaving Idaho? Not So Fast My Friend!'

If you think Idaho is bad, you haven't been to California, Washington, Oregon, or any East Coast state. California is a disaster, Oregon is a criminal state, and Washington has no leadership. Idaho is run by a majority Republican party that is so dominant that the Democratic Party is non-existent in this state.

Billion Photos via Canva TSM Boise
Billion Photos via Canva TSM Boise

High Tax States That Want Your Money!

Yes, Idaho has rising property taxes and is one of the few states with a grocery tax; however, there is hope that the state will eliminate it one day. Idaho's car and vehicle is one of the lowest in the country.

Youtube / MPD


No More Idaho Nice

There is no doubt that Idahoans are the nicest people on the planet. How often have you let someone in line if you don't believe me? Or a stranger has offered you their place in line? Or a wave or a thank you? You won't find that hospitality in any other state. Folks in Idaho are warm, friendly, and appreciate one another.

Credit: YouTube / University of Idaho
Credit: YouTube / University of Idaho


Where Else Would You Live?

Other states may be bigger or have a beach. However, Idaho is the home state for everyone about Faith, Family, and Freedom.

15 Things That Shock People Who Move To Idaho

Idaho, The Gem State, Home. Whatever you call it, there is no question that it is a very special state. Idahoans, especially natives know these things to their core and sometimes get annoyed when it has to be explained over and over to non-Idahoans. This list was inspired from

Gallery Credit: Nikki West

Check Out The Word's Rich and Famous Visiting Idaho

Who will be in Sun Valley This Week?

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller

5 Reasons Why Marijuana Will Never Be Legal in Idaho

The five factors that are unique to Idaho that will prevent our state from legalizing marijuana.

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller


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