I don't know about you, but I love tacos, enchiladas, elote, and more, which I could eat alone all day. The perfect cheese for all those things is Cotjia. Cotija cheese is a true gem from Mexico. Named after the town of Cotija in Michoacán, this cow's milk cheese is known for its firm texture and salty flavor. Often sold in small rounds or crumbled, it's a perfect topping for enchiladas, tacos, and even your favorite soup. I recently learned about a RIZO BROTHERS COTIJA Cheese recall that I picked up from Albertsons. It has the potential for Listeria Monocytogenes contamination.

Listeria Monocytogenes

But what is Listeria Monocytogenes, you ask? It's a type of bacteria that can cause an infection called listeriosis. And let me tell you, folks, this is not your typical tummy upset. It can lead to severe illness, including fever, muscle aches, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea. In some cases, it can even cause life-threatening complications, such as meningitis.


Now, don't panic. Remember, knowledge is power. If you have this cheese in your fridge, don't consume it. Instead, return it to the store where you bought it. Most stores, including Albertsons, will fully refund recalled items.

Steps to Take

And what if you've already eaten the cheese? If you're feeling okay, there's probably no need to worry. My wife and I ate all the cheese, but if you start feeling sick, especially with symptoms like fever, muscle aches, or gastrointestinal issues, reach your healthcare provider immediately. They can run tests to determine if you have listeriosis and provide appropriate treatment.

In the meantime, let's all take this as a reminder to stay updated on food recalls. While good cheese is one of life's great pleasures, nothing is more important than our health.

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