We know what you might be thinking: "Gunned down? How does a deer get gunned down? Isn't that what we call hunting?"

While yes, you might be right this is a unique circumstance and Idaho Fish & Game is looking for answers.

You Can't Just Shoot Down An Animal Anywhere You Want

Most of us know this but still, someone saw a white-tailed deer in a parking lot and decided to take it out right then and there. The official term for this is poaching and it's very much against the law. According to Idaho legislation:

...any person who pleads guilty, is found guilty of, or is convicted of illegal killing, illegal possession or illegal waste of a trophy big game animal as defined in section 36-202(h), Idaho Code, shall reimburse the state for each animal so killed, possessed or wasted, as follows ... Trophy white-tailed deer: two thousand dollars ($2,000) per animal killed, possessed or wasted

Now, Idaho Fish & Game is looking for the suspect behind this gruesome shooting.

Where Did This Innocent White-Tailed Deer Get Gunned Down?

According to Idaho officials, the illegal shooting of a white-tailed deer in the parking lot of Orofino Elementary, is located at 1000 Michigan Ave. in Orofino on the evening of November 26th.


Idaho Fish & Game says if you have information, you can remain anonymous and if you help catch the suspect, you could receive a reward for your tip.


If you have a tip that leads to a citation, you can contact Conservation Officer, Luka Guasco at 208-921-7541 or Citizens Against Poaching at 1-800-632-5999.

Apart from hunting, what about milking? We know it's random but the truth of the matter is, you gotta know what you can and cannot milk - it's the law!

3 Idaho Animals You Can Milk and 13 Animals That You Shouldn't

Let's take a look at the three animals Idaho law says you can milk and thirteen animals that you should never milk...

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

10 Animals You Can Hunt Year-Round In California

  • Always double-check specific regulations and licensing requirements before heading out. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) website is the most reliable source for the latest hunting information: https://wildlife.ca.gov/Hunting.
  • Be aware of hunting zones and boundaries. Different areas may have specific restrictions or closures.
  • Respect private property and landowner permissions.
  • Hunt ethically and sustainably.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

How to Begin Working as a Bounty Hunter in the State of Idaho

If you're looking for a career change, perhaps becoming a bounty hunter in Idaho is the move for you!

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

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