HELP WANTED: Nampa Police Need Public’s Help Locating Vehicles
It appears a few criminals who have watched one too many movies are underestimating the unity of the Treasure Valley. The Nampa Police Department has taken to Facebook to ask for the public’s help in closing a case. It gets a little crazy, so let’s get some background on what in the world is going on!
Back in November, the Nampa Police Department asked for the public’s help in identifying suspects who were breaking into an ATM on the 3000 block of 12th Avenue Rd.
Can we pause for a moment to appreciate how real and down to Earth the Nampa Police Department Facebook page is? They knew the ATM photo wasn’t the best quality and they called it out before someone could in the comments! Alright, sorry back to the case! So once the Nampa Police Department caught up with these criminals, they wound up seizing several items including some vehicle key fobs.
Wild, right? Someone needs to tell these criminals that crime doesn’t pay! The detectives began matching those items to their rightful owners and as we fast forward to now, the Nampa Police are back on social media asking for help. While the Nampa Police Department has the suspects in custody already, they are stuck with two key fobs but no vehicles to match them to. According to the department, the crooks refuse to share the location of the vehicles to which the keys belong to.
So here we are, Nampa detectives have the keys in possession but no trace of the vehicles. This is where we come in! If you have seen these vehicles, the Nampa Police Department is requesting that you call them at 208-465-2257 and press option 2 for dispatch.
It’s been a wild ride for Nampa detectives so the least we can do is band together and keep our eyes peeled for these vehicles. If not for the sake of rightful owners, do it for the poor detective on the hunt who according to the Facebook post, is driving around town with his window down in freezing temperatures pressing key fob buttons over and over. Let’s close this case!
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Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart
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