There's only one thing that can top eclipse pictures on social media in terms of the number of posts about the same subject, and that's the first day of school.

Parents are going to let them fly, and some say it's the one social media tradition that's not annoying.    

If you're a parent, a good chunk of your social media friends are probably also parents. So you post a pic of your kids on the first day of school, and at the same time you see a hundred more pics of your friends' kids headed out for their first day of school.  And if you have a heart, you like them all!

If you're not a parent, you also find this social media event fascinating because you're interested in your friends and their families and you want to keep up with the kids' growth, and this is better and easier than being roped into looking at scrapbooks on the coffee table.  Right?  At least in theory.

I have much love and respect for the parents that go over the top with fancy chalkboards and posters on the first day of school, that list the name and grade of each child in neat and tidy script, along with the year so we'll always remember that 2017 marked the start of that child's middle school drama or senior year pre-college stress. I'm lucky if I get all three of my elementary girls lined up on the steps at the same time, and the thought of asking one of them to hold a sign and smile, just pains me too much to even bother.  Their teeth are clean and their hair is sort of brushed and they have eaten a granola bar.  I'm satisfied.

So welcome back to school, Boise ISD students!  If your parents' excitement on social media is any indication, we're sure you'll have a great year.  We'll watch for your progress on Facebook.

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