Day Drinking > Night Drinking
After many years of research in the field, I have concluded that day drinking is superior to night drinking. There were many factors to consider, and after careful analysis of the data collected, it is my expert opinion that day drinking should be normalized outside of weekend brunch. It is important to note that I'm not a certified researcher of anything, I use the term "expert" loosely, and my data collection technique was to get drunk during the day, get drunk at night, and compare my experiences. That said, at the very least I'm experienced at both and urge you to consider my findings.
1. You feel fine and dandy the next day. If you get wastey pants at noon, odds are you'll end up going to bed a lot earlier than normal. That gives you plenty of time to sleep off all the alcohol and wake up in time for breakfast. If you start drinking at night, you're likely staying up later and not getting enough sleep.
2. You save money. There's no shortage of bottomless beverage situations at brunch that'll give you more bang for your buck. And Uber prices aren't in surge mode in the middle of the day. Your responsible choice to not drink and drive won't cost you an arm and a leg.
3. Better lighting to capture the fun times on your camera. No disrupting the vibe with an annoying flash or getting grainy pictures because poor lighting. Especially if you print your photos to frame on your desk or your wall, day time lighting always looks better.
4. You don't have to worry about last call. What a bummer when you're really getting the party going and then realize it's about to be cut short. Not an issue if you're sipping cocktails at 2pm. Last call is in 12 hours and you'll be tucked away in bed long before then.
5. You have more time for activities. Here's my personal trick. I'll get up and start drinking by 9am and keep it going until 1 or 2pm. Then I'll take a hot bath and a 3 hour nap and I'm up in time for dinner and an evening activity. Back to bed by 10pm.
Do I still indulge in night drinking? Absolutely! Day drinking seems reserved for weekends and that's not always when I have the time for adult beverage consumption. But day drinking is the preference at this stage of my life. Which do you prefer?
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