Cat Shot Near Parkcenter in Boise Last Week
There is not much worse than hurting an innocent and helpless animal and unfortunately that is exactly what happened last week in Boise. Resident of Boise, Mele Thompson jumped on Facebook and started spreading the word that her cat (Hank) had been shot. After visiting their veterinarian, Mele's cat had to have surgery to remove a .22 bulled that was lodged in his muscle tissue.
The shooting took place near South Dorothy Ave & East Pennsylvania Street near Parkcenter on the South East side. After the bullet was removed Mele did reach out to law enforcement and I'm sure they will be keeping a close eye on that area to see if this trend continues.
Fingers crossed for all animal loves across the Treasure Valley this was an isolated incident and it doesn't happen again. If you have any information regarding Hank being shot there is a reward being offered, plus whoever did this needs to be punished for their actions.
If you want to help Mele with the unexpected expense, click here to visit her fundraising page.
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